So this post is a little off topic, but since I am waiting to post about my preparations for writing my bridal party letters (I am starting to get concerned about them - two of the girls have received them, but two haven't responded yet! I hope they made it safe and sound!!) until they arrive, I thought I would digress slightly and tell you about how I am putting some of my newly acquired wedding planning skills to use:
Planning my Halloween Party!
Here are the elements that I have decided on:

Slime Punch
Bloody Black Current Punch
Planning my Halloween Party!
Here are the elements that I have decided on:
Slime Punch
Bloody Black Current Punch
creepy shots:
jäger (label: black death)
erdbeer limes (label: bloodthirsty)
jello shots (black? Orange? Green? Not sure what color of german jello I can come up with)
Beer (Mr. Schnitzel suggested calling it "Virgin Juice" but that is incredibly vulgar sounding and I'm not even sure what he means by that?)
jäger (label: black death)
erdbeer limes (label: bloodthirsty)
jello shots (black? Orange? Green? Not sure what color of german jello I can come up with)
Beer (Mr. Schnitzel suggested calling it "Virgin Juice" but that is incredibly vulgar sounding and I'm not even sure what he means by that?)
black candy corner
ladies fingers and men's toes
except that I will be using store bought pastry instead of making the dough.
mummy dogs
Jack-o-Lantern Cheeseball (something like this recipe, but perhaps without the poppyseeds?and something to make it orange (paprika?)
Gauze-wrapped candy bowls
Black shapes on the windows and crepe paper curtains
table cloths (plastic)
floating candles in the bathroom tub (the only place I trust candles at this party)
lotsa jackolanterns
furniture wrapped in white sheets
appropriate lighting
Costume contest
Flip cup (the germans really loved this last year)
Other game ideas? Something easy that doesn't require too much "organization"
We will also have a photobooth in our cleaning closet - we aren't sure how to best document the photos. Should we just let people take them with their own digicams? Should we provide ours? Should we rig something up? Or should we spring for a Polaroid? Decisions Decisions!!
Other deco thoughts:
scary movie running the background (suggestions?)
music, of course! But dancy music, instead of scary music. Maybe scary music in the bathroom?
So, those are my thoughts! We have the car on Friday so we're off to buy the heavy stuff ? beer and other drinks and pumpkins!! Hooray for Halloween.
Oh, and my costume: the winning idea at the moment is for he and I to dress up asBacteria. Like wear green and have purple dangly things coming off of us. change of plans. We are now planning on dressing up as zombie bride and groom. FUNNY and good practice. What do you think?
Costume contest
Flip cup (the germans really loved this last year)
Other game ideas? Something easy that doesn't require too much "organization"
We will also have a photobooth in our cleaning closet - we aren't sure how to best document the photos. Should we just let people take them with their own digicams? Should we provide ours? Should we rig something up? Or should we spring for a Polaroid? Decisions Decisions!!
Other deco thoughts:
scary movie running the background (suggestions?)
music, of course! But dancy music, instead of scary music. Maybe scary music in the bathroom?
So, those are my thoughts! We have the car on Friday so we're off to buy the heavy stuff ? beer and other drinks and pumpkins!! Hooray for Halloween.
Oh, and my costume: the winning idea at the moment is for he and I to dress up as
5 Kommentare:
I want to come!!!
and here´s another idea for you, in case you get über-ambitious ;)
oops, meant to include the link...
whooaaaa.. that is really ambitious! but very amazing. You SHOULD come. it is a saturday!!!
What about being H1N1...its a virus not bacteria but its SCARY and topical!
that is pretty scary...
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